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India Gardening
Its my blog on experiences in developing a home garden in South India - an expression of the joys of gardening

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Thursday, November 5, 2020
Natural Coolant for the Eye
Nature is always there to rescue us. During these pandemic times, most of us are glued to computer screens, Television, mobile phones and various electronic devices. Gazing at these continuously leads to Dry Eye phenomenon resulting in itching of the eye, rashes, redness in the eye, and various other eye-related problems. A natural remedy for keeping the eye cool and preventing dryness is using CASTOR-OIL. It is freely available. Just apply a few drops and it ensures that the eyes stay moistened and cool.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
Home-made easy remedy to Keep Ants away
However much we may love Ants and their beautiful, synchronous style of ambling across the garden floor, they seem to play havoc with the plants. My beautiful greens like Long Beans are being dwarfed and overwhelmed by Ant-attack.Here's a fairly simple solution to keep the ants away. Ants are repelled by the smell of citrus and soap. So mix some detergent (preferably containing lemon) in water and spray it on the leaves. Leave for a few hours or overnight, and the ants would go away. The next day, make sure to sprinkle water to get rid of detergent.
Tuesday, July 21, 2020
World looks to Indian Herbs & Ayurveda during COVID
- Tulsi (Basil),
- Neem,
- Ginger,
- Turmeric,
- Betel leaves ,
- Cinnamon,
- Cardamom
and a variety of herbs and leaves that form a part of a typical Indian diet are believed to boost immunity and prevent infection.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Medical Power of the Banana leaf - Eat the South Indian Way
1. Hygiene - It is use and throw - there is no reuse - so you are ensured of hygiene and cleanliness. The leaf can be used only when it is fresh, so no question of "Old stocks". It is quite easy to grow a banana tree in the home - one can harvest a leaf just before a meal to have a very fresh leaf for the meal.
2. Medicinal properties - When hot food is served on the banana leaf, the food mildly absorbs the antioxidants and other friendly chemicals from the leaf and transmits it to the body in very small doses. These anti-oxidants are similar to what is found in Green Tea. So they enter the body effortlessly and work to prevent any stomach disorders, and prevent various other ailments.
3. Since its a use and throw, there is no need for post-meal washing - so no usage of soaps or water - how better could conservation become.
4. What happens to the used leaf? You can dump it in a nearby open space. If cows are sheep are in the vicinity, they will have a quick snack, if such bovine animals do not frequent the place, the leaves will decay and mingle with the soil in just a few days' time.
Once you plant a banana tree, it also gives rise to shoots of new baby banana trees, hence, they live on for ever, provided you give them space, and some water.
Hail our culture for influencing our lives in subtle but powerful ways.